THUS 8IUUBVJEF0UT TIMKSj WKDNlfiKDA NOVJSM1U2U 1.1, IU01 A GREAT VICTORY J. n. Rotivenx, RotntllntS W. O. Olhsnn, I'lidnciih; IC, u.
Lomlon, Hi, I.i li, t'urtln, TVnnV: A. Hlarth, tt. Louis; It. L. Colon, Mil.
U'lwnoii, H. M. Young, Terrell; A. Oosheii, New Orleans: V. i l.oulvH'e; It.
It. rtilllngs, Jcffef- candidate for chaplain In the regular anny and will probably receive lh ut iHiim tueiit at an early date, Th annual conference of the M. church, whjh lias ibeeii In session her several days, adjourned night, The meeting wax very miocessful in wery i''tH'ei. AT MINDETi Weddtnr Bells Rtor Merri'y Matters of Psrsoul Interest piliei lal to Mie Times. Alinden." Nov.
niarrlage of Mr. Uwirgo Aylmer Jlurnen of Shi.neport and Miss Knimle miller Dr. Harter's WILD CHERRY BITTERS The Time voi-respondent was today' son; T. Van Horn, Zwolle; li, L. cluy; Wm, Lawwiu, c'ny; J.
Hall, V. M. Hall, Keen, J. 8. 'Wood, New Or'iMins; Join-, Sunfcrd HII-low, cltyi W.
Hurtling, St. Louis: A. Ames, ii J. iim1nn'n, city; A. Utirge, Kulanwsoo; 4.
T. Yellow Pine U. KlUer ami wife, Educution A'ins aSignalTriumph al li ati no ll Robinson Crusoe I I rIMv MAN FRIDAV mQ rft ltl) M. I -W BJlM 1,1 LN rK FRIDAY'S PRINT. I iVI I FRIDAY DID LOTS OF WORK 1 llll I fOR ROBINSON AFTER ROB- I IN80N FOUND OUT THAT FRIDAY WAS 00-' INU TO 0IVE HIM A SQUARE DEAL.
t'hone 120 hh by tfeo uA NOBODY MAKES A BETTER BLANK BOOK THAN WE DO. city, T. P. MlHerand wife, Atlanla, tin, AT MONROE Blanks Hook and Ladder Cotnoany May 1 Dlstand-Other Items i hiwn dresw inn yeursi d', The owner of the dress, I'. Crouch, resides in San Augustine, tiiul In here an a Aim, Crouch nays the dread wa orlginully bought for Penelope Kumiford In England, 210 years ago, when she.
Haden Eiw ward. Since then the dress has been scrupulously handed ilowtv t. the Penelopea of each generation, Aire. Crouch being the last. The Is giik and i t'ho finest of the fine, 111 SCHOOL UK CARRIED You $99d It To keep your atomach In order, To stimulate your lazy liver.
To assist your sluggish bowels. To cltar your brain, To brighten your spirits, To drive away the blues and make life worth living. A wholesome stimulant and tt tonic appetizer. Made enly by Th Dr. Hirer MediciM Diyton, Ulna.
Bittblitkea 1W5. Its Age its Guarantee Sold Evarywhcrt. Speeches Male at the Courthouse ty Welcti and Judge Hunter People are Overjoyed Tukegee, July IK 1878, Dr. C. J.
Aloftett 'Aly Dear Sir: Jtra-Hie to you ilenwnds that I should give you my experience with your excellent medicine. TEKTHINA. Our little girl. Just trrU'teen month old, haa had much 'Alonroe, Nov. The member tif the 'Wanks Hook and Ladder Oiave been called to meet tonight and It said the subject of disbanding the organization will considered, Kver since the dltibandment of the old uachlta 'Fire Company a few unonUis ago, more or en dlsatlsfaictlon has 'been exprewed by some members of the company.
One aource of complaint has 'been the pil ng up of money In the treasury and an effort is to be made tiin.ight to have the sum distributed among the roambers. Air. E. F. Buckingham, formerly of Alonroe, writing to a friend from Pretoria.
Mouth Africa, under the date of October 12, stated that he had to leave that place at an ea.rly date with an exploring snd surveying party for Cairo, Fgypt, in the Interest of the proposed trouble teething. Every remedy was Perrln of thin city hw been announced throiugh Invltutlonu iby Allss Perrln'a mother, Miii, Mary IVrrln, to take phtce on Wednesday, the jotr lantant, jjt 10:30 o'clock a. at the AK-thodlut chuich, and will be one of the most p'eaalng event of the season, everyone approves the union of thee two youthiful, trusting hearts. We 'have known Aylmer" sine iha early day of his childhood when a baibe 'he i etled In the arm-clasp of hj beautiful mother, of whose ten-lor care he was bereft by death at a very early age, and have witnessed his development yeur by year into noble, chivalrous manhood, possession all he charnctprlsitlcn and aceompllglinieiitis to render him nio-pular and uefut; whilst the bride-elert Is one of linuls-tana's sweetest Hpedmenn of young woinfltihood, endowed with all the charms and graces that render complete a beautlul, JovaMe characfe-r, and her sweet face and lovely form will be sadly misHed not only at the fireside at (but In our circles as weH, when she goes away with the nrtble youth of her choice. Mrs.
SVaborne Afaddox of Fort Worth, having been called here by the Illness of her sister, MVa. J. E. Ci'ichton, returned home today. Lr.
C. Hints, state lecturer for the Alasonle older, returned to his home at West Alonroe, yesterday. 'Miss Susie Taylor, a valued member of the faculty of our graded high school, Is raipidly recovering from her recent severe Illness. "Alls Eillmly Hughes, an anilaible ind aecomi wished young lady f'om Jackson, is visitiniT the Alisse White of thin exhausted in the shape of prescrlp FLORSIIEin BROS. DRY GOODS Ltd Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes and Hats- Hons from, family Her pcrial hi the TinifS, Ai xari lila, 31.
'Alexandria Von one or the greatest victories today that tver in the histiuy of the iiy. Mayor Wchli and hla( friends fought the opposition to a fift'ish and Aon liy a ii majority. lias wild In Alexan-touinlit over the glorious victory bowels continued ito pnss off pure blood and 'burning fever continued, for daya at a. time. Her life was almost deapalved of.
Her mother determined to try TEETHIN'A, and In a day or two was a grea.t change new Ufa had returned the bowels were regular, and, thanks to TEETIf-1NA, the little babe in now doing i well. Yours, etc. Nos. 51 0-5I2-5I4-5L6 Commerce St. I N.iY.
Office 43 Leonard St. SlIKI'YI-l'OKT, I. V. AldVEIl. Editor and I'roprletor Tuskegee (Ala.) News.
thetlc survivor of the Confederate will spring the unhidden tear over the news of "Autvtle" Mclaurln's death. Such women are the glory of their sex, noble examples of patriotism, heroism and Christian purity of life. Her threescore years and ten left sacred memories in loving hearts because of tier Her death is the triumph of a well spent life, and she haa fallen awleep on earth t'S awake to the eternwl reward that crowns the pure, in heart whose faitn is founded on the "Rock of Ages." The remains were taken to Natchitoches today and wll be interred there tomorrow morning. WILL H. T.
PIANOS AND ORGANS. AT'HOMtR Bally Needed Rainfall-Dangerous Illness of a Little Lad lo the Tillies. railroad from Capetown. The party will number K0, besides a large number of Kaffir or negroes. The Hrltlah government at the 'back of the enterprise.
The Ouachita river continues to rise slowly, owing to ra ns In the vlriiwty of the headwaters, and, boatmen are in hopes that there will soon be a navigable stage of water. 'Alayor Fcrsythe, Captain F. S. Tt r-den an I Air. Torn Parker left thin morning for Catahoula Lake on a weeks' hunt.
At Pollock they will be joined by Dr. Key Porter and Air. John Hamilton. Father past rr of Holy Church, Shreveort, came over last night on a to Father Ver.itrepen. Accompanied by FatherColumban, O.
S. he went to Hastrop this morning and tonight they left for Shreveport, wihere the latter will conduct a mission. Secretary and Treasurer D. W. Faulk has been confined to ihis home ly ck-ness during the ast week.
for ill ma i Ion a til progress. The vote was curried by seventy majority In votes cast and majority In properly valuation. What makes the tovy ii li a grand one was the fact 'that tin' whole imw of the' city was pgninst the proposition. itut tlhey have tw gone Into their hole and pulled it in afier them. 4 Not'lr is going to slop the wave of progress that Is now sweeping niir cUy, After the vii iry nii.dv fcnown a large crowd assembled at tne VHy hall and railed on Mayor for a apt-ei li and In hi iiual si rain lie xaspondrd to the call and was cheered "to the e.ho.
Judge K. G. Hunter was also called for 'by crowd and made jiV, Splendid speech, vi" th the -victors. The men lliat oppose! the tax We. honorable" men and it is 'believed that Uicy will join hands an I make the high school building at this one of the grandest in lxiuL-ana.
illomer, Nov. I-'. A nice shower 4 For the -benefit of our mimc-ros Wesj ICnd customers we p'a i-d the Tim-s in ale at the West Knd I 'nut Sl.vre. "I have used Chanrberlatn's Colic, Cholera and Dianihoea Remedy and find it to be a great 'medicine," says Air. R.
Philips of Poteau. Ark. "It Do not wait to buy. We didn't, but buve bought ami they are coming In every day. We must liav ronn.
HuwT By maklnu prW-s ami tt niis to suit everboiiy. If you need a piano, buy now frm us und nave money. $200 NEW PIANOS $200 Is there a better line to select ft i in than DICKERING, 11HDMUACK. UKIIR VHAS, MAINS, MAHTINM. I Ni iSBEIt It CABLE, AND OTHERS.
You will siw.n need a Chr'stmas present. Buy a Piano and inaVe tl-family happy. Largest und be.U MtlM'k. cured me of bloody flux 1 cannot if rain fell here last night, with fine pros-pent for tiKiie this morning'. It was sadly needed, the earth was very dry, and several days' rain would v.e a great fbeiiellt, Lamar Mason, the little grandson of Mr.
fl. T. Winn, is reported very dangerously ill. He was throwing aconrs at a schoolmate in play, a few da.vss since, when the boy returned1 11 vith an iron top, striking Lamar or the head and inflicting a Beviv wound. Hie is said to lie In a dangerous condition, but trust he may recover.
ypeak too highly of it. This medicine always wins the good, opinion IfnotpralRe ways wins the good opinion. If not praise of those who use It. The quick cures which it affects even In the most severe cases make It a favorite every-whr. For sale by Fred W.
Jtowers. For sprains, swelling urw lameness there is nothing so good a Chamberlain's Tain Talin. Try 1:. For sale by Fred V. Bowers.
Lowest prices nd esust of any hojse in North Louisiana. It your Pbno ned tuning ting us up, phone 74, and Mr. John L. Bj'1 will call. JACKSON AT NACOGDOCHES AT HAUGHT0N Two Unfortunate Accidents Fecorfed In a Single Day Special to the Times.
Houghton, Nov. Burcih left Saturday for Cotton Valley, and Stamps, to visit his children. He will be gone several days. rAfrs. J.
At. Hollingsworth left for New Orleans Saturday, where she 11 visit relatives. 'Hon. J. D.
AtcClenny of ZwoJIe vis AT BENTON Civil Term of the District Court Opened- Spell of Good Weather Broken Special to the Times. Nov. 12. The long spell of good weaither was broken by a rain last night and the prospect for more seems good. The civil term of the district court 0ened yesterday.
Lassiter, who hs ibecn at sanitarium for some time, returned yesterday. He is in a very feetile on-dit'on. The low price of cotton interferes materially with! progress of nesa. UKKU Mnnagnrol the Hhreveport Team to Start on Lon Trip in a Few Iay Manager Oeorge Al. lieed will leave in a few days for his home in Ian-ville, Pa.
Whlle en route he will stop off ait St. Louis and make an effort to sign Hulseman and ''Billy" Kane. The former player Is too well known in Shreveport to commendation. Kane Is an irvflelder and was up among the top notchers with the stick in the vestern association the past season. From the AloundCWy Air.
Heed will go to Terre Haute, In the hope of scouring Robert L. Carter's signature to a Shreveiport con-tra for 1903. Danville, 111., will be-the next stopping off place for Shreve-port's manager. There he will meet Catcher AI5uier and try to arrange terms for next season. From the Illinois city Heed will travel to Anderson, and meet Thomas Ffoher.
The "sorrel topped" tiwirler started more than once that last season would be his last as a professional ball but- Btd henm to have him sign a contract for next year. 'Aluncie. a city, jn the "Hoos-ier" state, also see Reed. He goes there in an effort to convince Pitcher Alclntyre that Shreveport will be a good berth for next season. When he has completed the task of seeing the players, Reed will Journey to Philadelphia and from there to his home In Danville.
V'' Itutte Treatment LXew York, Nov. 32. A Bogoa, Colombia, correspondent of the Herald a'bles as follows: A sentinel 'tit Tequendama Fal's, on f'tiber 25 declined to honor the jiass-lort of t'nited States Burdett 3-1'ant, and O'ed ne shot at ilie diplomat. The minister was not hit by the bullet. The government has severely punished the sentinel and; i seeing that the minister is fully protected.
Police Raided a Notorious Resort and Gathered in a Dozen Thieves 'peciat to the Times. Nacoploi Nov. 12. The pn-llce iast night raided a private resort and pulled almut a dozen of ihe ligh'-nnsftred gentry. Wben the raid was n.
wveril undertook to Jump through the wind'mvs, but were held 1.p and cal.Jooseri. It. W. W. AVatts of this city a ited Dr.
Howell today Would You7 Uoll I Guoss "lit." If you wanted hire a swell rig, would you go to a livery stable with two spavined horses, one 'broken down dray mule, and three second hand sewing machine wagons for an outfit? Well, I guess "nit." When you warnt a high grade job of carriage repair work, rubber tiring, painting or trimming, do you go to a lot of Jack leg mechanics, with a few back number tools, and less material? Well I guess "nit." Not if there is a live, up-to-date, first class place in town, end you can bet your boots there in not a better found, better equipped plant anywhere that ours. We employ none but skilled specialists In each branch of our business. "Wood-workers don't do our carriage painting, nor horse-shoera our trimming. Is there any one In It with us, for first class work at reasonable prices? Well I guess "nit." Snyder Wagon Company, Ltd. THE RED HOT STUFF FOR C000 'Air.
and Mrs. AlcClanahan of Koran v'sited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. A. J.
Pennington returned to her home at Shreveport today aftpr visiting several days with her daughter, Mrs. H. H. Barncastle. Little Andrew, son of Dr.
H. H. Barncastle, fell and broke hl arm yesterday. He went home with hl grandmother. Airs.
A. J. Pennington, today. Air. Dorsey Alford's horse feil with him yesterday, but beyond a sprained wrist and a few bru'ses on the face, he was not Hurt.
Dr. P. A. Lawrence and Alma Alford left today for Lake B'stino for a duck hunt. Our farmers are, busy making syrup.
AT MANSFIELD Protracted Meeting at the Methodist Church Personal Special to the Times. Nov. 12. Rev. I.
W. Cooper, president of Centenary College, is assisting jn the prottfadted meeting at the Alet'hodist church. F. F. Leftidorph returned from, Marshall, his old home, last ni'ght.
A. F. Jackson is visiting in R-uston. V. A.
Heibfrt of Shrevpport has secured a residence and will make his home here In the future. Aliss HattieT Bailey of Shreve-port is visiting with relatives hre. Nine out of ten women ae nervous suffering in silence. Sick headache is one of the first symptoms things go on from bad to worse until utter collapse. Don't delay if you have frequent headaches that is a sure indication your stomach is wrong.
Indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation, liver and kidney troubles soon follow. HIS INTENTION WAS TO MURDER HIS COMPANION Continued from First Page I AVE ARE THE LARGEST BUYERS OF Airs. Julia Miller is visiting in PERSONALS Dr. Anna At. Burke left yeaterday for Dallas, wiure she will spend a short time cn business.
The many frieads of Councilman E. Harkey wll lie pleased to learn that has recovered sufficiently from his re-cetut illness so as to be out. Mr. Roy At. Edmonds, after a pleasant visit to friends returned to his headquarters In Austin, Texa, going by the way of Houston, his home.
Mr. Al'en Renlai I returned last night from a business trip to Natchitoches, Ia. Air. Tim Seottl of Kingston was a visitor to the c'ty yesterday. Dr.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and Herb Laxative Compound will quickly seek out and correct stomach PIPE, BAR AND SHEET IRON In the state outsid of New Orleans, and are in position to supply your wants promptly at the lowest prices. We carry Mill Supplies of every kind, and have the best equipped Foundry and Machine fsbop In the South. THE V. IC. HENDERSON IRON WORKS, Spring, Caddo and Commerce Street.
complications headaches disappear, your appetite is good, refreshing sleep is induced. the United States army at Detroit, February 1, 1901, and Joined company, Ttwienty-seAenth infantry, here Sepiterober 17, 1901, and deserted October 7. He was born at Oswego, N. is 28 yeai-s old and is a printer. Frederick iB- Blanchard -nlited at Fort AIc-Pherson, May 19, llwl, and Joined his regiment here in September.
He deserted September 2.4 He was born at Dover, N. 1s 23 years old and is a bookkeeper. His comrades here say lie has a wife at Tren'ton, N. J. Ho gave the name of Joel Caluman, of Trenton, N.
as that of his nearest relative. It Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is very pleasant to take, and is sold by all druggists 50c and $1 bottles. SEiSV Trial bottle and voiuabie book on stomach troubles. 'Dr.
Bible Study At 3:30 p. m. today, at the Temple on Fannin Street, Rev. Dr. Jacnbson will address the Shreveport Council of Jewish Women on the subject of "Tha Bihle." This Is the first of a series of Bible talks which Dr.
Jacobson will give to the ladSes the second Wednesday of each month throughout the coming winter and spring. The fourth Wednesday of each month the council will devote to a more general and varied program. For these meetings it has already secured the promise of the following addresses: Novenrber 27, Aliss H. F.gan, "The Woman's Column and the Woman's Deeenrlier 2S, Rev. W.
T. BoUinig, "Unity;" January 22, Alius M. Forbe. "The At.nlstry of a Trained Nurse:" February 26, Profsor K. C.
Byrd, "Publl:" Kducation." The Shreveport (Vuncil of Jewish Women was organized on the Hth? of October with a membership of thlrtys'x. Today is the first since organization and thcire Is the promise of a considerable addition even to this comparatively large number. PEPSIN SYRUP COMPANY. Monticello, Ills. bh'ri 1 IT'S UP TO YOU tor sale by Allen's Pharmacy and 1- iJ W.
Powelson, Phidadelphia; J. S. Wifener, Nacogdoches; M. Faurote, Now Haven; W. A.
Martin, Alalbama; Chas. Galloway, Tinion," J. L. King, Newark; J. M.
Milam, Dallas; K. D. Chieonwl, Columlbus; J. G. Ferguson, lAIinden; O.
U. Hatcher, Cleveland; A. T. Nelson, city: Robert Kitzpa trick, Neiw Tork: J. W.
Gheer, Kansas City: H. E. Snyder, Philadelphia; J. P. Shelby, St.
Louis; C. B. S'pooner, Iake Charles; M1. H. Rose.
York; C. H. Bent, Kansas City; Wade S. Lent, New York; J. Berkley, Grand R.iids; R.
W. Noble, Temple; J. P. Gorman, StA Louis: Max Bath, i.h Cohen, St. Louis; P.
S. Wat-kins, J. R. Theard, city; H. Lyon.
Italia: W. A. Perking, Louisiana: W. B. Duke, ChicaKo; O.
W. Ftsher, Siiringfleld; L. Watkins and wife. New Orleans; D. Crown, Lynchburg.
O. W. Thurston, Kansas City; It. M. West, It.
M. Patterson, Toledo, At the Serwich S. Baken, St. Iius, T. H.
Phili'tis. A. Haney, Beuumontr H. Harrington, Orange; it. E.
Atkins. Iake F.nd; D. lvey, Qenaha, Wade S. Tomorrow i Full size Bed Lounges, worth $12.50, Monday J.oO Hat Rucks, French Bevel Plate Glass, worth $12,00 Monday for Golden Oak vSide Boards, French Plate Glass, worth $18.00, Atpnday Iron Beds, we have a full line at from $3.73 to' Three-piece Bedroom Suits, Solid Oak, French 'Plate Hass, worth $25.00, Afonday 1 T.fiO Ladies' Beautiful Flake Oak Writing Desks, worth $15.00, Monday J.o Other things too nu'inerous to mention at the above closo prices. GIVE US A CALL.
Shreveport Furniture Carpet Co, The Store That Sets the Pace. 1. THE I lew York Dry Goods Co. I The Love of Dress. ijj Everybody likes to see well dressed women.
jv Every woman Ins riht to be well dressed. Economy compels mmy a woman to buyji less beautiful thin the one her heart is set on. Mrs. M. A.
ft. Mctanirln Airs. Al. A. B.
AIcLa-urin, nee Stone, died at 2:30 Monday at the residence of her on, L. K. MeLaurln, rear laretice, 'n her seventy-fourth year. A native of Tennessee, she married Mr. John Tucker In to whom several children were born, the survivor of whom are Air.
J. W. Tucker, Mm. A. A.
Airey, Airs. J. T. Clark and Mrs. Sam Moore, Her first husband dying, she renarrled, in isrifi, Air.
L. Alcljaurin, colonel of the Twen-ty-feventh tuiisiana Infantry, who whs killed Bt the siege of Vicksbui-g. A son. L. K.
Mctiui'n, survives his She was the mother of eleven children mid is widely connected In Louisiana. Texas, Mlfwiywippi and Tennessee. Ltt'tle Rock, Nov. 12. The authorities here announce 'that they will have the fuppooed Newell C.
Rathbun, now at Louisville, brought here to testify In the inquest over the corpse sent here as the body of Rathbun, whose life was Insured for $4,000. Coroner J. M. Young said today: "Mayor Duley requested me to ik? the body in charge and Investigate the death, as tt Is surrounded with a great deal of mystery. I acted upon his suggestion, impaneled a Jury and viewed the remains, which I caused afterward to be removed to an undertaking establishment for further examination.
Thi3 tinne, am now in a position, to summon as a witness anyone who may be able to throw any light upon the cause of death or the Identity this tn-in- I will have the man arrested at Louisville yesterday who to he Sergeant Rathbun, brought here at once, also nil other parties whose testimony may be Important In rlenrhig up the mystery. I shall have Coroner Coots of Jef-fersonville, furnish me a copy rf Inrmisttion papers for comparison, ll Is ailso understood that the nheriff of the counly where the corpse wts found will arrive tonight. There will be enongn Jicquaintince-s of ivathhun lo Identify him txltlvely when he Is brought back." One of the attorney's representing Rath bun's relatives makes the following statement- "The family of Air. AfcKovvn nnd Airs. Rathbun only want sutlsflid be-vord a doubt that Rathbun Is alive nnd thef this body they have here Is not tl.e lKdy of Rathbun.
So much doubt has trn reflected on the case by the company and their det'tlve that no ore can say at this time positively what the outcome will be. The family of McKown nnd Mrs. Rathbun and a.ll fartles Interested have offered to bear th'tit: H. L. AK'Iine, Magnolia; J.
D. Durham, Atah.field; J. At. Prince, Haughton; N. AticLeod, Red River; A.
L. Pullen, Dixie; J. At. Nasper, Bethany; O. W.
Davis, New York; E. W. Herndon, New Orleans; E. T. Robinson, J'ecan Point; H.
W. Dexter, Atlanta It. F. Estes, Cotton Belt; Jas. Johnson, New Orleans; J.
T. Bannard, Hot Siprings; J. R. Mitchell, Texas. A the fsoniKer J.
S. Wood. New r- Ali Laurln, better known among 1 1 8 and 1 20 TEXAS STREET. LUl HI uwic an coiilCi Wllt'lj, ll is possible to buy a beautiful garment at much below its value. That opportunity may be yours tomorrow and every diy this week.
The Prices Tell the Story. 4-1 the soldiers ns "Auntie," was tin enthusiastic and patrotlc southern woman. A devoted Christian, he was charitable, generous, kind and hospitable. Her mansion was the Alcca ef Confederate soldiers, whom niie de-lighted to honor and entertain. As wife and mother, she wss crowned with womarnly virtues and wielded the rTKigc wand of a woman's love for the welfare, happiness and prosperity of her kindred snd friend, who universally loved her and esteemed her.
From the; eye of many a nympa PJ; leans; T. K. (Jnihaim, J. M. Curry, Hous-1 ton: J.
M. Henry. Cnmen, J. G. ArvK Ingham.
K. W. Bn-nham, Atemt. 'J. W.
Breen. Bmlean. II. K. Mi ler, Sr.
Ixmis; Oeo. C. Wiannon, Memphis: T. P. SuHHan, Alexarwlri; R.
A. IlnutH, lu- isvllle; j. Morgan. Uayou ilra; Wm. Melingham.
Aliit 0'Hnry. Port Arthur; iV. M. Sifhmons. Lone Oak, Paul I MKVniibs, DafaslGeo, A.
linden, White-j wright, W. L. rxillas; III. T. Itavls.
city; If. DnnVl. Houston; O. Bush, Mens; C. W.
Mlllett, Chlcngi; h- the expenses of bringing the person arrested in Iiuisville, nnd who Is said to be Raihbun. und who Is said to have the expenses. This is the offer which has been, made to the agent of the Insurnn, company. Nothing less than Indubitable C) 'V I COME AID SEE, made a confession, to Little Rock. If the proof that the man arrested in Loulu-patty proves not to be Rathbun, vllle la Newell C- Rathbun ill ttf.) wise the Insurance company is to all Ih? doubt raised in this case." tit.