ll. M. Anderson of Monroe spent tt Vet hot blod4 patriotic auldler of I to hr mother, 'Mr. Dawn, of this place, few hour In the city who nultt) 111. IMr.
k. g. iteitg ana family moveirio Hi me for an extended visit to vslatlvea at dwwley and New Iberia, and Oriinire, Tex. Hernlee, where they iwlll make their future home. at Humorous Dsclsloi Nidtrit py lack woods Mat litrati-Otnsr Items Hpet laJ to lite Tlnu'M.
Natili tihes, Nov, 1. Tlie fo. lowing dw'alont wW rendered by "iniifcitwtio" nf itho Iwckwomla of thia Janiea Davis of Chowy Ridge spent a few hours in tne city T-hursuuor. iiraii'i Chairman Burton Has Abandon-ell His Inspection Trip It. AVeJIA) ofiJtllla, was visiting relative and friends TluiixUay and Frlduy.
Conrad Gill returned home from France in the curtain ua.lser, "Ti uia Guard," to the devil-m ty-care bluB. tering Iti.l an petrui bio In "The Turn, lug the rShrew," The capacity of Mamhall's opera house will always 'm tested whe Charles H. Hansford la the attraction. Th advance nuisance of all fairs, elnuaea ami nimllar exih 'biilona nmi ly the shoe string pedidleir, allver o. I xh fake, aong book yap und toy whla-tier might mare, hav" struck town and will mak I If a bore during the ear-n'val days.
W. L. Martin secured two first ipriaea on hi chrysanthemum exhibit at the Monroe Friday night, AT NACOGDOCHES Street Pailwav tompary Secures Ne-cetsary Prl vile furor Ocerttl in Special to the Tlmt. Nacogdoches, Nov. 111.
C. Galloway, the chief promoter of the Nacogdoches street railway, baa su piti'h oiv evidence tafiire him un a 'harg vf "salt and' 'batry:" "After hemrtig the evidence and talking fonsidcnitiiiin of everything I do not think he ifbould 'huve went to Hubert, his brother, Who la a man In ags, finding Ji.m gikllly, put 'h'm tinder bond I TAKE 1 prihteo nitTEn (BBT) tUlbrl Quantity) I IT To be compounded with accuracy and ftklli; and UJJ5lJ ued continuously. A reliable business tonic. DR. AD.
MAN. SpaclalUt In rrlntln. tftg. A G.G. Willies Prioti Ul Ixiw IvSi relnfera, Binders IJ ZJ Tel.
120. SHREVBrOIIT. LA. NOBODY MAKBS A BbTTbR BLANK BOOK THAN WL DO The Mpwoith Leuguo met at WethodVt. ohuin'lt Friday night with fine attendance.
The how did not draw 'h'g orowd as waa expei'ted. fior h1a aippiialrano In the cHatrltn court cured from the conimHxioner un Waoo flower ishower. the right to build the stmt cur truck to bo heUl on the flrwt Monday in une, WW HE WRITES HIS REASONS across all public roads mid streets In Jack Frost made ihla appearance Una the city's sulairbs. morning. A stock la.w election will be held fur AT G1BBSLAND Items of Interest r.atherel by Our Scecla! (arrcsponicat Dr.
J. A. HtepHliBtm H'tUnied' th' AT ZWOLLE Series of Revival MeetlM to last Ten Days Begun the rural district went of Nucugdojhi, December 21. morndmg fmrn New Orleans, wht-re he attend! wee I Ing of the slate board A prohibition ebx-tl will be hekl at Pcfilver and Not the second Tuesday in of wealth yemteixlay. 'Special to the Times.
Zwolle. Nov. 16. ttev. J.
8. 8am- December, dera and wife and singer T. E. Smith Congressman Says That He Will Try to Visit Manrcc at Some Later 1 nr. life rue Last night a darky by the rtaime of arrived yesterday and began a aertea TEETOTALERS IN CONVENTION Gitwland.
Nov. weutner bun tiu'nvd Tat her eold th week. Jack Frost and Ut were stt-n hi-rge quanitl-tie this morning. Last Tuesday evening few special frlenda wvre Invt'tod an at Mrs. R.
F. PapneK's. They report hav-ng a wolendild ime. tvtrs O. V.
Fowtor liv lne. efl Clark Thorn wiaa arrested far attempting 'to enter the tnt Hatafield, a horse trader, In the southern suburbs of town. He was trailed with blood hounds, arrested and placed In Jail. PIANOS AND ORGANS. 4- of revival meeting in the Churdft which will continue ten days.
Brother San-dew ha an enviable reputation oa a uere.sful evangelist cwvd we are expecting pieat gooi to aecompl tsheJ his Inborn 1n our town. iMlss Viola Holloday of Fort Jessup vlsdUnff her alster, airs. S. 11. Porter.
Miss Meda Franiks in at (home from Mast Tuesday and was bin li the nit Wlllio THke Iich Money Iday at 4 o'clock. We extend our sympa- to the Times. l.i. -N- i Monroe reretv-nethiug rather discouraging Mr. J.
J. Lomery got the fol- .1 ..) T. E. lu'rur 'cil'-r fio.n Chairman Temperance nil on In convention a-sembled at 'Fprt Worth, Texas, rejue. seitln 300.000 women of the fJnltaJ States, sonde greetings with an appre-clathm of the reionalW11tlea that have come to you.
die assured of our prayers to aid you In your work for righteousness." of the cor.gKwional comm.t tnieti lo me ocrtwvwu puri'nn, rvUitlves. Mm. J. R. Reed to convalescing very slowly.
Mrs. Bi-mlall ta sti'll wufTerlng from nervous yrostratAm. It uiwierstood that Ir A. J. Pennington Is sown to return and occupy his homo here dn Oifbbs- school, vlsWlng her parent.
Mr. Burton tee on ilvers and harfcors. under date of Mote from Cleveland, AT ARCADIA I To not wait to buy. Wo didn't, but wu have binight ami they are coming In every day. We must have room.
How? By tnuklng price and terms to suit everybody. If you need a plaitu, buy now trim uh Miid saw monvy. $200 NEW PIANOS $200 Is there a better Una to seltot from than (BICKERING. MATHl'lUIEK, BROMBACK, BKHK VKAS. MAINS.
MARTINS, KINUSHEKRY, CABLE, -AND OTHKIR8. You will suon ned a Christmas present. Buy a Piano and make the family happy. Largcwt and bczt lock. v.mv.er your etter of the 33rd I would state that toy reason of the Accearance l.
water. 1 have decided to abandon trosi waxes nis abbmiouw Our appelated princlput made a Utt'e ibueow trip to Arcdi a tlv1 morning and returned on th canmon Utl1. What the "WHOSK UABV A KG YOU?" Persona1 Items attraction la tn Arcadia for our principal we pannot ay, Koaring Farce Comedy Presented Br. Calvert of Monroe arrived on the 11:30 cannonball hia way to Mt. at the Orand Opera House "Whose Baby Are You?" a faree com Solla.
Nov. 16. The brigands) wVo raptured MLs Ellen M. Stone and Mme. Tllka hHve reduwd the amount of ran- I som they demand to 20,000 pounds, Turkish.
Colrunldient with tV lnt '111-gence 'Is the Inform atlon the leed-er of the burd, If convliwed thnt this 1b more than Mr. Dickinson will give, would aocept 15,000 poupds ''erjln-. Kven this sum is greatly beyond the cnh at Mr. DHcklnson'a Therefore, unless tihe captors of the missionary further abate their dejmands, there is no hope of an tamediate settlement. An agent who Is In tbuch with the brigands reports "that they reeognizn they made a mistake In kidnaping Mlflfl Stone.
They -would, however, consider It worse than a blunder to return her without an adequate random. There Is no longer any feur regarding the brigands' Intention- toward' the captives. They deolare themselves to be rot robbers, but patriots performing an bnoxlons Uisk In the Interests of a holy cause. The imajorlty of the kidnapers ta and rirnwri Hirectod bv Mis Mmmie Wh te made a flying edy pure and simple waa the attraction 'the propoced trip of Inspection of the Ouachita river for the present. I hope at pome later date to visit your locality." Iwery, who has tried bo hard 1n connection -with the Commercial League of Camden, to get Chairman Burton to come here before the meeting of congress, la naturally very much disappointed.
He believe that even if Wr. Burton could not see the Ouachita at Its navigable stage, the in- at the Grand last Tho advan. notices stated the piece waa written for the ournose of creating laughter and to asaist In driving away that tired feel Special to the Time. Arcadia, Nov. 16.
Cards are out wliich read as follows: Mr. nd Mrs. CollH-rt request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter. Mary, to Mr. Paul Jones, Sunday morning, December the first, nineteen hundred and one, at nine thirty o'clock, Baptist Church, Wt.
Lebanon, Louisiana. Jack Frost made its appearance in a lvavy form this imornlng, killing vegetation of all kinds. There was allso Ice formed on all vessels of water left out ioor. This will put an end to the top Arcadia tlay. It is understood inat monies are In quite a demand In our clty.Many wish to move here in order to place the'r children our school.
It sems that libs has fewnd the rigiht persons to take charge of our school, as the Interest aroused and enthu-thiasm awaked by our present princ'pal and afstan.t cotiHlant attracting attention toward our school. We- beard of several t'ttay who wish lo matr'icu'ate. Friday dosed another nM)nt'n of ow m-hofitl 1rm. We wt re lnformr.1 by Lowest prices and terms of any house In North Louisiana, li your Pino nedi tuning ling us up, phone 74, and Mr. John Ball will call.
JACKSON ing. In this the company was sui-cesaful and for over two hours tihoae who at-teiviled the performance last night were kept In a continual roar of laughter. The attendance wa far belbw the standard, but those who were present spent a pleasant evening, 1f fun, frolic and a general mix up were to Clwdr fancy. The following is the cast of characters presenting the comedy: Walter 'Mylton an artist Tormation ne wouia ooiaiu uum sufficient to render him favorable to a eyftem of ock. and dams.
Chairman Burton's idea was to make trip from Camden to Monroe by steamboat, that he could see the river and form from personal observation an Idea of Us needs. There were three fires, little ones, put th principal fhat two (Master B( crop of cotton and It Is hoped will have tndency to raise the price. a sciet committee to execute its aecis-1 nmmo nciu lona. on me nonor ro tnw dbm immin, oui ther are seve-ra'i who are worthy of hon Misses Mary Hellen Key and Bettle I Niilon of Mt. Lebanon are on our streets oratl mention.
AMlbKMENTH "Belle of New York" The New York Casino, which this I iMr. Chas. W. Bowser out yesterday morning in the i today snopping. instead of two.
Whoever AT FARMERVILLE 1 Walter Mvlton. his uncle Mr. John F. Ward SHERIFF fiiALE. Ncv In First District Court.
Parish of Cahk. Btatw of Loot Bran a Levy Heirs vs. L. M. Carter, syndic; By virtue of a writ of srtzur ami Kt'o to mw directed by the rnn trlct court of the parish CaH: v.it state of IowHlana, hi 1 nt od aral numberedi suit.
I hav i.d taken Into my official possession and will sell at public auction for wl'-tvut benefit of Ut the hisrhcm and best bidder, during the leg1 The Baron, a nobleman AT GRAND CANE Interesting Meeting of the Taylor Chanter U. D. C. season passe into the hands of iMr. S.
8. Shuert, has been the home of many successful imuical comedies. In fact Mr. FredRunnells AT HOMER Book and Social Club Hold Their Regular Meetln. Personal Dick Hugh Wallace, a student Mr.
Lloyd Patterson Personal Points About People from Our Special Correspondent Special to the Times. Nov. 16. Postmaster F. H.
Marley of Colson. erent a few hours In the city on Wednesday. tt Is the only Broadway meawe Which wanted the send the building up in smoke made every preparation. It is understood there will the no prosecution. i The 'Monroe Glee Club has arranged for an excursion from Alexandria to ShVeveport on December 1st.
The train will leave Alexandria at 7 o'clock in the morning and iShreveport at 10 o'clock at night. Ned Clive, his churm has met with uniform auccessf along one line of production. At this theatre Special to the Tlimes. Homer, La-, Nov. 16.
The Book and Social Cub held Its regular meeting afternoon at Its club room for sale, at the prtmypai front do tt: I'll at 1 1 1 1 1 I i 'M i -i Grand Cane, Nov. 16. The Dick Taylor Chaipter of the "United Daughters of the Confederacy met at the school hulldilng very Intereet'nrf IMr. Lute Vrohman Geoffrey Morton, a friend of Mylton 'r Mr. James Rlckard 1 most of the prominent lyric artuss 01 tn, shreveport nr.
Mr. IF. E. IMayo returned to (Monroe this country have been deve.opeu ano brought Into prominence. The Hat of The Baroness, wife of the Wednesday, after spending a few days iiATVSRIMY.
DECBMMfcR. 1H. the following describe property ranieil tn said wrk. wtth all tfim bul'dinr aiwl Cora Maty stars brought out at this popular iw Gladys Penfield. Walter's sweetheart.
program was rendered, which waa enjoyed by all. A sumptuous dinner was served to all. (Mr. John Wh'tley, of 1 wa In town yeetewday witih the view of nurDTleing one. and it includes Improvements threon.
unrlt: The south atre a aurprsiing om, fuarter of sntiri AT MARSHALL In the Claiborne HoteH, twelve members being present. Mrs. Ruth Baker led the meeting. The second scene from Shakespeare's of Venfce" was read and dicujed. Interesting sketches of 1 "Pvrt1 and Nerissa" and references with his family.
C. M. Fariss of Shiloih neighborhood spent a few hours, in the city Wednesday. J. Newton Hicks of Danbonne spent a such names 00 Miss Rose Taplc Madge Morton, an unexpected visitor.
WIMi 1 1 rtl 4MI HruUO'-i guartT. of 24. of Janson, Virginia rvarie, r-nyin. northwort oiuu-ter of SMCtion ne Miss Gertrude Llddv' Red rlvor, In township 19, rani Ji. Ca.Mo AbigartI, a slave Miss Ida Ward parish.
La. 8. I. M'ARO, Charles B. HanforJ Presents Tamine of the Shrew" Marshall.
Nov. 16. One Elna May. Beulah Dodge, 'Mae saiwr and Toby Claude. The list ot success is also surprising, tor this house Uo ancient history and mythology and of the! obsolete words contained in the part few hours In the city.
Rev. John Hicks of the Cross dtoads was In town Wednesday. John Orlssom of Marlon was in town Sheriff Caddo Par! ah. Shreveiwrt Times. Novemx-r 17.
were explained. buying a home In tJh's vicinity. Mrs. Annie Moe tf Leesville apelit Thursday at Dr. M.
M. (Bannermann's iMis Puss Jones of Ijeejsvllle spent vl.sdt relatives in Nlatc1iftoc1ieff. dtev. J. W.
Boi'Mng of Shreveport delivered a vwy An liture wt the school buildinig iae.t iviight. Five new members have recently been admitted to the club by volte, as follows: Wednesday. (Deputy J. W. Taylor returned from Texas with a prisoner on Wednesday Choir Boy Entertained Mr.
and IMrs. Leon Smlih, entertained, tlhe choir boys of St. Mark's Church at their home 1n Jordan street yesterday 'afternoon. At 9 o'clock a dinner wws served the younstens. VauIi little member of the tholr was accooi-panlcd to the dinner by a little miss.
among WW oh are the Grand Central Depot, the famous Brooklyn Bridge by moonlight, a thieves' den In' Baxter street and a typical Bowery concert hall. During the play several neiw and novel tfpeetaliles will be Introduee'd. evening. 1 IMrs. A.
iDoualasa and daughter. most fashionable and largest audiences for several staisons past greeted Mr. Charles B. Hansford and bte most excellent company at the ojera hmse Friday night. To say that Charles B.
and accomplished ife (Marie Dreyfnaih in iprofessilonal life), are pre-eminently ibrigfrit illustrious lu-mininaries in the galaxy of theatrical sateliites Is but to give them menger praise for their most finished work. W.ndenful indeed is the trann'tion of Mr. Hansford from the old rheumatic Coroner Dr. j. u.
layior lett tor tsen- 1 Luclle, visited Shrea-eport yesterday, son Thureday to hold an Inquest on -ijBS Marie iHerrlrwr 1a visdtiing the home of "Ermlnie" many lign operaa which have1 been In prominence for year. The foremost production vtf this famous playhouse Is "The Belle of N.w York." which Is now maWi lt fifth annual tour of America. The record of "The llelie" ia nuapproached by any musical attraction of recent years and its record Is even greater than that of "The Belle" is made up of catchy musical numbers and such meritorious lyr'ca that it seems dtined to run maw s-aaow more. The quality of the verirmance Mrs. J.
W. Smith, Misses Ann.e i. rilnman, Sallie Will Barnette, Dot Longino and Kufflna Walker. At the next meeting the club will tak-J up the third scene from the same play. under the leadership of Mrs.
Hiny Tjcaderman. Mrs. B. W. Fort son left a few days Miss Nona Pennington has returned to Shreveport after several days visit the body of a dead negro ho was Jn GlosteT tihla week.
found dead in Bernice Wednesday) u1r (. HJeks left fhis week fori WATCH SAVED TAILOR'S lift night. J. C. iShumaker left Thursday I Talladega, visit his daughter, or at Kcrnnce.
wtin. til tuhJinc imiMin Bernice and returned Friday morning, nhat place, HOTEL AKRIVAliH At the Saenger C. T. Sirtith. city.
E. W. Cerrln, Jackson, Frank H. Bryan, New Orleans; W. P.
Head, Arcadia: P. V. York; Rev. (Continued from Page One.) Is maintained Dy (Manager enuoen, brings to this vity the same excellent 1 ves8els coming irom buboniq v.1.1. ni-an mvn here last I st which iwas seen here last season 21 It includes Mr.
E. J. ueuia i Dodge, Janx-s Itorllng. Josepm Kane. Mae Sailor, Arthur ueagon, ufnre Uirtledge, Hattie Wells, Pearl Revera.
A- Arseene, Many; W. J. Crowder, St. Louis; T. E.
Graham, Milking: Hal yloimo.T, S. and R. R. V. R.
T. G. Williams, H. C. Ketz.
Phillip Price, city; C. A. Cahh. Baltimore; E. B.
London, St. Louis; C. V. U. Galnradg.
Little Rock; O. Bust, Mena; S. O. Munn, Galveston; Arnold Kletn, Pine Bluft: Ed Pope, city; Z. Vtckers, North Carolina, Geo.
H. Newtek. Atlanta: S. W. Parris.
Cincinnati; R. Joy. St. Louis; J. S.
Wooo New Orleans; Mrs. C. 8. Beard, Laura Witt and Virginia Ross, trana Opera House tonight. special ramrranw nhces MW1II .1 1 -irv "I "Tne Girl Irom lHaxIms" For those who enjoy a farce comedy I- effervescing with fun.
full ot action, us i Meridian; E. C. Hudson, well as bright, witty dialogue, ana v.nn Just enough spice left to lend coior, The llower show wifl cotnie to an end tomorrow evening. The auocess whk attended It has been only modemate. Tlw attendani-e tomiorrowmdy pull the enterprise out of the hole.
The largest crowd that ever witnessed a foot ball gam In New Orleans watched the Tulane defeat the LoutH-ana iState University today on TUlan-j campus. The gathering Incluilhd the entire student body of both IniHtltotjjns, the governor ami his entire corps of offl-wtb and Mayor CapdevleMo and all of the city administration. The State University men and their arrived in the city by special train from Baton Rouge ami -were Joined by the alumi.l in a big demonstration. The Tulana students, 1.000 strong. In a Wg strefto i-rade and theater party, also had jflabo-rato demonanraMone.
The game! ttseif 45c CASH "The Girl from Maxim tne great of all metropolitan successes, which) Mrs. E. A. Mills, Miss Mills, Slier-man, IMrs. King Marshall, Ethel McCluchill, J.
J. Dallas; Horace Capcnter, J. D. Lee, city; E. D.
Selp, K. C. S. R. C.
Terry, Louisville; S. Jff UL CASH For a Bst VicH Ki comes to the Grand Opera House Mon a Soft Kui Shoe for Wiii buy the buby, M. 'Lorgnot, city; B- G. Parker, St. Iouls; N.
L. Relley, Wessh, M. R. EthnvdI, K. C.
S. J. W. Keenes, New York. Button or Lace.
day night, November IS, is certainly u. Although a t-tle risque in spota, it Is never nuuKhty enough to be condemned, and it Is so skilly acted and beautifully staged as to ttatisfy the most exacting on the score of artistic presentation. (Moreover, "The Girl rrom Maxim's" is ingenious In construction, audacious In arrangement of inleldent. a ays sold for 60C i At the Phoenix-O. H.
McDanlel. Tlmjv son; N. C. Wilson. New Orleans; J.
W. Toustant. Chicago; A. M. Palm-r.
T. II. Hunter. J. P.
Dtllaird, Houston; Ri))t. Yost, pvttilgrew. W. S. Allison.
St. Lmuis; J. E. Chattanooga; C. D.
T4i t0 8- After Mjndiy this'shoe will cost you $1.25 I $1.00 CASH wan fast from beinninJo end. Tulaue Head anrt wife, Temrkana: J. W. 85c waa too strong on aggressive worn an i two runs of sixty yard by Crandell and Own, half backs, carried Baton Rouge off her feet. One touch down in the first half, two In the second and a goal from the flelld made the score stand GASH Jo)1n-; Fred Mefort.
St. Louis; Horace W. Vaughan, Texarkaiva: J. W. Paup, Nashville; C.
A. Austin, Kansas City; F. W. Hustrtiggw, Texas; L. Niftchi-toches; A.
Underwood, New Or'eanw: W. Moflcly, Dallas; Chas. Block. Bunke; S. H.
Brewer. Lerompte; H. H. Tieless, AMen: W. K.
Seay. city; Jonas Smith. Will buy a Child's Shoe 22 to 0 at the end of the last Waif. Tu- ilane's victory today makes that eleven champions of the state. The Baton, nude of Soft Kid, Lace or Button, size 8 to is Rouge players are kicking- tonight and win protest She game on the ground For a Misses' Good Kid Shoe, Button or Lace, size 11 to 2.
$1.50 the regular price. than Crandell. Tulane's star, wa not Herman Levy, New Orleans: Myron B. Rice. Chas.
W. Bowser. New York; H. Hartwell, D. F.
Wilson, W. H. Johnson. J. J.
Webh, Chas. Euhnnks, Dalhis; Mrs; M. B. Webh, M'rAlen: Mrs. J.
Dickson. Miss W. Bail y. with surprise following surprise, and a somewhat torrid story, told with (bright humor and rol'lcklng comedy. Mlsa Lena Alervtlie In the leading role, that of Praline, "the girl," has a jart whloh fits her like th.
proverbial glove. She Is a handsome shapely brunette, pos-sesslnig Ibesides beauty, histronlc albil-tty of a high order: She put on the soft pedal whenever the lines become a trifle suggestive, but at the same time retains all the dash and frivolity that the character of the ay girl demands. Other (prominent and clever farceurs who are cast for Important roles are W. H. Turner and Joseph Allen, i i "Alvin Joslln" "Alvin well known rural comedy with Its "lM laughs In 180 minutes," will be the atractlon at the Grand Opera House rfor matinee and night next Wednesday, Novemlber 20.
"Alvin Joslln" as a laugh producer la eligible. worth every cent of $1.25 iMarMn Behrmann today denied that Tom Field. M. Cooper, C. R.
Wood, O. J. Turmey. St. Loti.1; Tcm R.
he had approached CouWctlman Schabcl with any proposition to pay him money, Stafford. L'tt'e Rock: C. 11. Bent, Kan is for supporting the (Badger Oms Light City Southern; Rosa rvjloln, Kate Hoi stead, Ruston: C. B.
Lynrfh, St. Louif; ordinance. Those who know Mi. Behr- R. M.
Patterson. Toledo: R. L. Trigg, No- mavn never credited the rttory In a se $1.98 We; O. C.
Moore. Monroe; Hy Ileyn, Mir-Bhall; R. D. Webb. Mrs.
O. L. Atkins, Neva Kerley, city; Ml M. Atkins. A rious way.
Schabel ana nis confreres are thought to be doing Quixotic stunt. fighting windmills and making moun Lake End: Dr. Dowltrrg, f'ty: C. W. Ben-edict.
St. Louis; Hy Bloom. R. C. BOYS' Rough Rider SHOE Made of the best Leather money can bjy.
Every pair guaranteed solid. tains out of hoaxes. The Dn plain petite sVardai is stll undoubtedly the greatest success ot Terry, l.ouisvll M. Brn'dley. Lsrin.t: S.
C. BndHn. 8. C. Roherts.
Chattanoo any play of Its class. Aitnougn written causing a world of talk and it is assured for laughing purpose oniy, mne Just enough 'pathos and dramatic Interest to give It the necessary light and that the charges of the patrolman will be fully Investigated. D. M. WATSON.
ga; W. 8. Dermlsh. etty: Jerome M. Ll-saiwT.
J. C. Bustrlan. New Tork: H. Cabbage.
New Orlrans: E. C. Hatch, r. BoFton: A. 8.
Whltt, Houston; Asa A. Jones, Bevllle, C. D. Hay. T.
A. Coleman, Texarkana; Geo, A. 'imr, Ptne; Gladys Lee-, Monroe; Lulu Mortimer, F. Goodeman, Loulsvllli; J. LaJies' Vici Kid Shoe; neat, stylish and comfortable, heel or spring heel.
Every piir worth $2.50 This price for Monday only. shade. Several well known types characters are faithfully portrayed and thp whole furnishes a most enjoyable SERGEANT NAMED evening's entertainment. Among- the Reden, States: J. D.
BaMev, Ifsynes-v'1: F. A. Major, New Orleaiv; W. 9 to 13 $1.25 13 1-2 to 2 $1.60 21-2 to 51-2 H75 Wtniomw. Greenttlle; B.
A. Brewr, ton; W. R. Maney, AbMm Bridge. Continued from First Page.
different characters of the piay may ws mentioned Alvin Joslin, an old Vermont farmer, with his odd ways and quaint sayings: Clorlnda, his shrewder wtr half: Bob Ford, a (New York At the RerwIrfti-fU. P. Carle. Vor ll Carolina; O. It.
Beole. Natehltoc'-u-s: confidence man: Julia Ford, his wife nd unwilling tool: Jim Dean, nis ac T. Flora, Texarkana: K. aco: Chas. A.
Beanve, Ft. Worth: R. 3. Crnlr. city: Walter Henderson, Bnssl D.
216 TEXAS I 1 STREET. complice in villainy; todward OOlton. a vnunr New York hroker, and Ella, h1a the force, resigm-d yesterday morning. Barron gave as a reason for his resignation ttvs offer of more easant and prrflt-able employment. It Is understood that the former officer Will have charge of the ctris'ne a local saloon.
No other changes in the department were made yewtenday and mi are ex LADIES Fell JlllicttS, FUR TRIMMED $1.19 cash Monday LADIES' Cloth Ovorgaiters 19C cash Monday FyoM. MemTth's; A. Harvey. Beaumont; W. F.
lulledge. lai'svl'le: A. 3cVtk. Ia1s: Wrs. C.
B. Siencer. B'rmi wham: wife: Joe iBaxter. a typical BoWery ibnv: Hoots, an eccentric English law Mm St. lAwrenre.
Mrs. I. r. STREET. pected soon.
The chief states, however, yer, in earcn or Aivin w.v. tw, late. iStteclat scenery la I hat n-hpnevcr an officer fa! to rierxtrr (Irene. Ft. Worth; F.
St. Louis; W. PsHw. Alexandria: C. Weir, Hcmor; J.
F. Botirges. Pt. M. T.
oWodward. B. L. Todi. New Orlejws; M.
W. Coles, Vlckshurg. carried tore-present several well. known himself rroperly there, will be an hnme- localities In New York, rcomineni diate change in tne personnel of the force. 7.