Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (2025)

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Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (3)Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (4)

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Current Conditions

Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (5)
Mostly Clear
Updated 5:36 am
Feels Like 48°F
Humidity 83%
Wind N 2 mph
Barometer30.24 in
Dew Point 44°F
Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (6)
Mostly Clear
Updated 5:36 am
Feels Like 9°C
Humidity 83%
Wind N 4 km/h
Barometer102.4 kPa
Dew Point 7°C

WX Settings

°F °C°F °C

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Sun & Moon

Cloud Cover 25%
uv UV Index 8
Sunrise 5:48 AM
Sunset 9:33 PM
Moonrise 3:59 AM
Moonset 9:17 PM

Civil Twilight
5:06 AM to 5:45 AM
9:32 PM to 10:11 PM
Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (7)
Waning Crescent Moon

Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (8)Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (9)

Missoula, MT Weather Forecast

Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (10)Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (11)

14 day API weather forecast for Missoula, Montana. Note: The 7-day weather forecast for Missoula, MT is the most reliable and accurate weather forecast. This model should only be used as a likely scenario. It is difficult to predict weather more than 7 days ahead.

Missoula, MT Weather Forecast Dated: 536 AM Thu Jul 04 2024 (Missoula Time)

Weather Charts Weather Stats

Thu, 4th
Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (12)

Lo: 4°C40°F
Hi: 25°C78°F

Sunny Thursday, temperatures as high as 78°F25°C, low temperature around 40°F4°C, wind out of the SSW 9 mph14 km/h. Barometric pressure 30.18 in1022 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 46%, uv index 8.
Fri, 5th
Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (13)

Lo: 6°C44°F
Hi: 29°C85°F

Sunny Friday, temperatures as high as 85°F29°C, low temperature around 44°F6°C, wind out of the SSW 10 mph15 km/h. Barometric pressure 30.06 in1018 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 41%, uv index 9.
Sat, 6th
Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (14)

Lo: 9°C48°F
Hi: 28°C83°F

Sunny Saturday, temperatures as high as 83°F28°C, low temperature around 48°F9°C, wind out of the SW 10 mph17 km/h. Barometric pressure 29.91 in1013 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 41%, uv index 8.
Sun, 7th
Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (15)

Lo: 8°C47°F
Hi: 31°C88°F

Sunny Sunday, temperatures as high as 88°F31°C, low temperature around 47°F8°C, wind out of the ESE 5 mph8 km/h. Barometric pressure 29.97 in1015 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 45%, uv index 8.
Mon, 8th
Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (16)

Lo: 11°C52°F
Hi: 33°C92°F

Sunny Monday, temperatures as high as 92°F33°C, low temperature around 52°F11°C, wind out of the S 6 mph9 km/h. Barometric pressure 29.94 in1014 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 36%, uv index 6.
Tue, 9th
Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (17)

Lo: 12°C54°F
Hi: 36°C97°F

Sunny Tuesday, temperatures as high as 97°F36°C, low temperature around 54°F12°C, wind out of the SE 4 mph6 km/h. Barometric pressure 29.88 in1012 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 30%, uv index 6.
Wed, 10th
Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (18)

Lo: 14°C57°F
Hi: 39°C102°F

Sunny Wednesday, temperatures as high as 102°F39°C, low temperature around 57°F14°C, wind out of the S 10 mph15 km/h. Barometric pressure 29.85 in1011 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 26%, uv index 7.
Thu, 11th
Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (19)

Lo: 15°C59°F
Hi: 41°C107°F

Sunny Thursday, temperatures as high as 107°F41°C, low temperature around 59°F15°C, wind out of the S 4 mph6 km/h. Barometric pressure 29.85 in1011 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 24%, uv index 7.
Fri, 12th
Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (20)

Lo: 15°C60°F
Hi: 40°C105°F

Patchy rain nearby Friday, temperatures as high as 105°F40°C, low temperature around 60°F15°C, chance of rain 69%, wind out of the S 7 mph12 km/h. Barometric pressure 29.88 in1012 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 34%.
Sat, 13th
Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (21)

Lo: 15°C58°F
Hi: 39°C103°F

Patchy rain nearby Saturday, temperatures as high as 103°F39°C, low temperature around 58°F15°C, chance of rain 74%, wind out of the SSE 9 mph15 km/h. Barometric pressure 29.94 in1014 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 44%.
Sun, 14th
Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (22)

Lo: 13°C56°F
Hi: 38°C100°F

Sunny Sunday, temperatures as high as 100°F38°C, low temperature around 56°F13°C, wind out of the SSW 15 mph23 km/h. Barometric pressure 29.91 in1013 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 42%, uv index 6.
Mon, 15th
Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (23)

Lo: 12°C53°F
Hi: 37°C99°F

Sunny Monday, temperatures as high as 99°F37°C, low temperature around 53°F12°C, wind out of the SW 11 mph18 km/h. Barometric pressure 29.88 in1012 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 24%, uv index 6.
Tue, 16th
Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (24)

Lo: 14°C57°F
Hi: 37°C98°F

Partly Cloudy Tuesday, temperatures as high as 98°F37°C, low temperature around 57°F14°C, wind out of the SW 9 mph14 km/h. Barometric pressure 29.8 in1009 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 31%, uv index 6.
Wed, 17th
Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (25)

Lo: 13°C55°F
Hi: 34°C93°F

Patchy rain nearby Wednesday, temperatures as high as 93°F34°C, low temperature around 55°F13°C, chance of rain 88%, wind out of the SW 11 mph18 km/h. Barometric pressure 29.8 in1009 mb, visibility 6 mi10 km, humidity 45%.

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Weather by the Numbers


Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (26)

Missoula, Montana 14 Day Local Weather (2025)


What is the coldest temperature ever recorded in Missoula Montana? ›

During the winter, sunshine is limited to about 30 percent of the possible. The hottest temperature recorded in Missoula was 107 on July 6, 2007. The coldest temperature was minus 33, recorded in January 1957.

What is the hottest month in Missoula Montana? ›

Missoula's coldest month is January when the average temperature overnight is 16.2°F. In July, the warmest month, the average day time temperature rises to 83.6°F.

Does Missoula have snow right now? ›

There are currently no active snow events at this location.

Does it snow a lot in Missoula? ›

There's nothing normal about a Missoula winter but you can expect, on average, around 40 inches of snow for the season. Luckily, it doesn't come all at once. Usually. The first snowfall usually arrives in October, then melts before winter really sets in.

Where is the coldest town in Montana? ›

While we are looking at temperatures, it's interesting to note that Cooke City on the southern fringes of the Beartooth Mountain Range boasts Montana's coldest average temperature on a year-round basis, while Westby, hard up against the Dakota line in the far northeast corner, has our coldest average temperature for ...

What is the hottest day ever recorded in Montana? ›

Combine this low number with the state's hottest temperature of 117 degrees in Medicine Lake, and Montana's all-time temperature range record is 187 degrees, the most extreme temperature range in any of the 50 states.

Why is Missoula famous? ›

Missoula is known for its blue-ribbon trout fishing (made famous by A River Runs Through It) and spectacular natural beauty. The outdoor recreational opportunities are limitless.

Is Missoula a good town to live in? ›

Missoula is like the Portland of Montana, but without any of the cons. It's a really fun college town, with a big outdoor recreation scene, numerous small local businesses, a lot of fun community events and lots more. It is sort of expensive to rent here, but that is the trend all over the country right now.

What is the crime rate in Missoula Montana? ›

With a crime rate of 41 per one thousand residents, Missoula has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 24.

Is it expensive to live in Missoula? ›

The median household income in Missoula is $74,111, and the average commute time is about 20.0 minutes. The unemployment rate here is 4.62%. If you want to buy a house in Missoula, the median home price here is $407,933. And if youre a renter, you can expect the median rent here to be $1145.

Has Missoula ever had a tornado? ›

Historical Examples of Wind Events in Missoula

Risk Factor has found no historic records of tornado events since 1955, or hurricane events since 1851 near Missoula, but that doesn't mean this area has never been impacted in the past.

What is the snowiest town in Montana? ›

It should come as no surprise that Cooke City checks in as the Snowiest Town in Montana, with an average annual snowfall of about 195 to 200 inches. It's also famous for being one of the coolest places in America because of its location...on the Beartooth Highway and as an entrance to Yellowstone National Park.

What is the coldest Montana has ever gotten? ›

Montana is home to the coldest air temperature ever recorded in the contiguous United States: -70°. It was recorded at Rogers Pass (several miles northeast of Lincoln) on January 20, 1954.

What was the coldest temperature in Montana in 2024? ›

Graphic by NWS Glasgow. Saco Montana set an all-time record low on January 14, 2024 with a low of -51 degrees. The previous record was -50 on January 25, 1969.

What was the worst winter in Montana? ›

1935-36, during the height of the Depression, was probably Montana's worst winter since 1887. After a cold January, the average February temperature was 22.4 degrees below normal.

What is the snow record for Missoula? ›

106.1 inches – The greatest cumulative snow fall for Missoula, Montana. This occurred during the year that ended December 31st, 1996.


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.