Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)

WF.r-SKSDAY, DECEMBER 19, MIZPAH BIBLE CLASS HAS CHRISTMAS PARTY MM MAN DES AS RESULT OF Dominic Schack Never Regained Consciousness Being Struck by Nickel Plato Engine. NTtr itflining coniclouinrn.it- tcr was itruck and falallr Injured by liounil New York Central (rclgkt entlna OB Monday afternoon. Domlale Schack. yeara old of Silver a aectlon band, died In the hoipilal here this morning. Hit body token lo Silver Creek tomellme liter.

Shack bad been at work In Sheridan a cane of men Kilns a and ai the train approached appareatly noticed that jack In rablu one of the rath hid not been nmorcd. In trying to get It out ol tbe viy be was caught by the tnglne and hit skull fratlnred. Ha win I'lckftl up fay the train crew and rushed to Dunkirk In the ribooce. When the train pasted the Xlcktl 1'hte Krle crotsoicr. the mm In charce notified and be called the dty ambulance.

Tbo quick response of tbe ambulance bat bern tbe subject of remark liy tbtte familiar with the. affair. The train did net take over fire minutes railroad men say to mako the nin from the crossover tbo Nickel Plate station la tbls city bat the. am- liulance was there nailing for It, Fhotclsg that no time was lost In making the run. The Mirfft of lite Unite tilimn ihurrh held In annual CLrUtmai party and flection ot offi- ttn for tbe valuing year, Turtday erenlcg.

ThoM were tlfctfd are: Presl-i int. A. president. W.l Dratn; secretary, A. Frahm, awl Question of Jurisdiction Argued in Buffalo Before Justice Hinkley in Doud Case.

District Atlrirncy went ta li.iCal.) In oppose the dismissal I an InJirlr.icnt uf uranil larceny la Ibe first ilrgn-e csainrt Michael Doud. new held in jail at Mayvllle. DouJ the- man su-uwj of dcfraurtfns Ira ot I'rrdonla. oat ot C3.OJO by mi allcsrj take deal In Florida. rcuil'a attorr.oys declare the Indict- M'.

at rhould IJL- dismissed on the Kruund that nn I art of the crime. If a irimo was i-ommlllrd. took place till! iKWiiils Uhautauqaa County. Mr. argument was that rhlle tbe major part of the aliened fraudulent act was carried In the ttato Florida.

Watson was r.otliciT and was still under the spell if tho ccnfiilenro men while In this for a loan, irblch l.itrr bo tnrnrd orcr to the confidence In Florida. Tl.o eutcume of the case. i will heard before Justice Ilinkl-y will awaited with Interest. Santa Claqs Kind to Everyone. Pastor 'Received Fine Cold Watch and Fob as Token of Esteem.

IN mm Five-Year Closed Season Is Being Agitated to Civs the Came a Chance to Catch Up. Albany. for a Cn-yrar closed a tlelln and plauc by MJ h() nful I IflaU 1UO 4 I VI tMrl an.1 Thnma. Tfcli lucl durl3r tcttoo followed by a recitation ty Els.i- ttj tefon grre wrre tthlmrf: a jilano tolo br J. levl bncks ol lotal ilm by an: reread sole by Captain S.aymaVtr tuctcrj Ihli tban twfore.

ot the Salratlon Army; r'ano Twu rtaf for thU condition arc Ml'j A. 'Smith: recitation, llarloa adtancrd. Tho tlrtl that owing lo llrmllton; solo, lifalhrr', ircl-'the warm vcalh-r durlni; Ihli buntlnc ullon. (Uryl Nagrl and SilentMtbl'trason Ibo bucks kept to tbe bleb sung by 'Marlon Harnlltcn and sround and dil not visit tbe low I.tni Itcullfr. JKroundt.

vtbire most ot tbe hiir.llus Clauv wai rf prf lectvd by done. iuu. lieiullful rold wstrli and fe.b with a rold cresi attached, was by memters of tbe rlaf. end tin- School Long Island only placo In the state where an abundance of deer li reported, and an open season of cne. week Is being urged by soma the (onscrvation commission to trfrhmcnts were fervpd I'y Mri li.

I check the rjpid trontb ot tho bcrd (Ilcff. Mrs. Draros, Mrii. tin re. Considt-ralilc damage liy i.

Mrs. 'II. Ilan'tn. Urs. wi-rkly Ircta Hut of red Mrs Cottsball.

nhu dale. The decorallom were In CC'OM and Hie Chrlslmai lice was, SEC'Y PARKER WINS brilliantly Illuminated. Tho pcneral chairman of Ilie talcment was -Mr. A. I'jrks.

GROCERY ROBBED ON NIGHT- WATCHMAN'S EVENING OFF Took Cash Register to Creek and Dumped Five Dollars Out Monday Evening. SECRETARYSHIP OF THE GENESEE CO. FAIR With Cross Receipts of $90.158.84, the Association Cleaned Up This Last Year. lulavLi. X.

IXr. 10. Tress)--Ijiren 1. Illeil (.1 OslCcld. It Silver Creek.

Dec. 19-Slshlwatch. of iSmejuco msn John Turner of this villase has Korloly. tiro nlshts a month o.T. Tl.lcveslrairfomn.lsslonerKreclll.raiker.de- took'advantaKe of one of Albert A.

llrown. rt luiaria. fr.r cations Monday nlsht and ro'j'jcd the ll.r of terrclary by IC3 I'ark Grocery. They csrrlel out The prnfits i.f Ihe 1321 a i amirnt- cash rexlster and look It to the creek I cd to The receipts where they forced It open and i five Collars. FORMER CUNKinKER HEACS BUFFALO FIREMEN'S CLUB By a vote of more than two to one.

NUTS SCARCE: COUIRRELS MIGRATE was an iia- ml mlcratl'in of rrey muiririj 'in Flro Chief I 1 Sluri'hy of -tate fall i to falo, was head nf tho mc llu( la (alo Firemen's Ilruericlary assocla-1 ftlo rr were Keen In larco lion, tbo results bi-iuc made known on ln he southern ot I Tuesday nflernoon. innTirc toward IheTer.ntylranU Mr. Murphy li i resident in; years aRO. TODAY'S RADIO I PROGRAM I 1 r.e i owa Mr Murphy Is a l.nner resident ot unkirk liavlnK kit thl, a -nero IOIT.IT;!; In from Cn I TEN.COLLARS Insfetur llrn.kell ll.e Hun divijlnn In Offleer KoscluElXo picked up John llu-rnnntirs Cal- Newrockf. 5 ji-ars old ot K5 Rerral.

rai Fr ara. Or street, on a charce of Inlailcatlon. Wvon ns- rrpo ta ei Ck rI f'' "HIOnirvallon nuts but the wcisbt of" tcstliurny roan aralnst and fined 0 him 110. mm ist In man to Prnterlir Hlrtcli that lied elirhleen rn-y and Mar.t 'tqnlrrds swimming Allctany Illr- iLo liattle- cr at one tin. ll.ey lo be tiauHiiR inutli towards PennsylvinU.

pay hl, fine and lne Copperheads Lelonj iaKc family. llullalo--I p. time l.imlc; p. Musiial p. the day's 1 5 p.

Christmas carols by slrl 9 p. Musical prosramme: 11 11. in, Huttr music. I'WIadcIr'ila. GOJ-Orcliostra and 0 p.

onan.l and trumpets, p. m. I WOK, Newark, N. JM-nailloj I Iho la)nan. p.

in. I New York. 455-Conecrt i i.i iiuartclte. 5:13 p. navy pro- i 9 p.

m. Fchencctadr; SSO--Adventure. I I iy, p. silent nlcht. New York.

in-; 8:20 p. talk on ehoosins n.talion, 9 P- m-: musical pro- 4. 7:10 and 9:15 p. 1'hiladelrhla. IneludinK miuic and a talklc-ii Ulllsids as a sport, 8 o'clock: concert and 10:10 p.

m. Atlanta, eat 'UiiiniiKiit, 5 and p. trans- i Lntlcvntal radlottr proitramnie, Uavcnport, ISt-Orjiii -ital orchestra. 10 p. m.

City. Ill--Conc 3 p. eiliicatlonal features. 7 i-)( Nlfhlhawkf. 11:15 m.

Hillside. Mass. 360-- o'clock. Dttrcit. S19-Orchestra ccn- p.

m. riiiladclphh. Concert CK-A, TorcEto, US-Concert. p. KllKA.

Kast nttsuursli. Ctiicert p. ra. KYW, Cblcaso. i3C-Musi(il pro- p.

W11Z. Strlngfltld, Cos- cuts. and 11 p. m. AVI.W, Cincinnati.

rrofraiama for children, orchestra, 9 and 10:15 p. rrosramno of duets and reading. r. ilttcr rj-jarUMte, p. ra.

I'WX, Havana, Cuba--Band concert, p. n. ritttbargh. and 11 p. dance programme, p.

n. WItC. Wiihltgton. D. dress-by Senator Capper, Why Farm Dloc.

I p. band concert, p. aJirrii, Polar Exploration liy Aircraft by tha chief ot the DTJ liureaa urenaatlct, 9 p. m. KSp, Salit Louis, Slt-Mml- tal and p.

m. Are Now Delivering Phone 297.R, Fredonis. ENGLISH, E. Main Rd. Right from the Green-House Or iinnlcn we'll hrinp your favorite flowers to you.

A wiile variety nf flowers ami plants. Whatever you want we havo, and only the finest specimens. Dpn't ileprivc yourself of flowers. They r.re an inspiration anil a refining influence. Roses, Carnations, Sweet Violets, Stevia, Paper Whites, JJalendulas Tnlips puss*WILLOWS Hyacinths Plant Baskets, Mixed Pans, Fointsettej, Mclior Begonias, Chatelaine Begonias, Cyclenms, African VioleU, Cherries, Peppers.

Mistletoe, Laurel, Holly, Box Wood, Ground Pine, Smylax, Oak Sprays, Galir and Magnolias. WBEATHS AET SPRAYS SAHLE BROS. 97-101 HEWTON STREET 550-J FREDONIA We deliver jn'Dnnkirk and Fredonta 311 Central Avenue WEINGART HARDWARE CO. Phone 2022 Dnnkrik V. Give Useful and Practical Gifts Aluminum Roasters Itoatcrs ill nnd small sizes, oval or obltint', of lieavy short uliiiuiniuii.

Price, $3.00 to $6.00 Aluminum Teakettles iWkcttlvs ill ra-t of nhiiiiinnni. Mnilc in culunlal mill plain imttcrns. Price, $3.00 to $8.50 Bisscll's Sweepers A in any Imiue. in IT fin- isli with riiMier tires. Prices, $7.00, $7.50 Electric Irons Dover anil Wnaiio flectric i an iinliiniteil 1 nf service.

Price, $5.00 to $5.75 Percolators Aluminum anil niclicl platnl (icrcolalors in all ami styies. Price, $1.50 to $25.00 Universal electric toasters- toast on both siilcs, ill two styles. Prices, $6.75 $8.00 Electric Heaters Universal anil TlieriuaV licat- enpper sereen. Price, $7.50 and $9.00 Braces Ilraccs fur lioii'ieliolil me or carpenter, niailu of tin. 1 bent ipulily material with s.pcci.11 chucks.

Price, $1.75 to $7.55 Carvers and Bird Sets Carving sets of lest quality tool steel, with ktag hamlles, with or without'slmrpcniii); steel. $3.00 to $12.00 Buxton Keytainers 'A leather cisc for keys saves the pocket or baf nn'j nhvays ItoMs the keys in neat com- packafc. In all sizes. Price, 50c to $2.00 Alarm Clocks Clocks in all sizes with alarm -in nickel anil enamel finish. Price, $1.50 to $4.50 Scissors Large ami small scissors, heavy iiiekrl plaleil ami of liest (uality steel.

Price $1.00 up. Starrett Tools Tools--the always welcome ift to any man. Maile for all nj every use. Sam-Cans Sleds anil Culiinihi.i sleiis in all size. 1 Price, $1.85 to $10.00 Ice Skates Ice skates in rocker ami hockey styles, nickel ami plain finish, with or without shoes.

Price, $1.50 to $15 Kiddie Kari, Auto wliocl coaster carts, with ilisc ivliecls, rubber tirca nnd roller bearings. This is strongly built with a gooil varnisli finialt. Prices, $8.50 to $12.00 Mamma $3.60 up. Doll House, C5c to $11.60 Toy Pianos, $1.5043.00 TOYLAND--SECOND FLOOR A sjuii i-aii, is fill in every kitchen. A inoJoni conrcn- a very low cost.

'i can lias a m.n-nist container. Air rifles in three sizes, 350, 500 and 1000 shot. Prices $1.50. $2.25, $3.00 Building Blocks, 15c A IV Auto Wheel- Coasters TJoll Beds, 25c to $3.50 Toy Autos, $13.00 to $28.00 Velocipedes, $4.50 to $27.00 OBSERVER ADVERTISING PAYS The Main Thing on Main Street By L. F.


Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.